Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

At 4:00 pm a short reception with wine and cheese.

Business meeting at 4:30, with election of officers and annual reports. Nadia Yevstigneyeva has one more year to serve as president, Mary Stenov has one more year as vice-president, and Gene Stenov has one more year as treasurer. At this point Vladimir Malkin has been nominated to serve as chair of the board and Bill Parsons has been nominated to serve as secretary. Nominees for the board of directors and other nominations for chair or secretary can be made from the floor at the business meeting.

. After the business meeting, members and friends of Russian Heritage are urged to stay for dinner (ordering from the regular menu) and the special program of our RUSSIAN HERITAGE MALE QUARTET, performing at 7:00 pm ($10 per ticket). We urge you to come on Sunday, and invite your friends for our final program of the spring.

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